1 Big Speech Can Change 1 Big World

“1 big speech can change 1 big world.”  Kaylee, age 8

One of my students wrote this statement yesterday. It was written in response to an assignment to write a sentence using adjectives. This is the skill we focused on with our Mentor Sentences this week. Kaylee synthesized what we had been talking about with adjectives and  our week long references to Dr. King into a very spectacular thought.

Since Monday is both MLK day and Inauguration Day, speeches are indeed an appropriate topic for the day. Here vocabulary is chosen carefully, strongly, and for impact. Consider Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, Churchill’s “We will fight them on the beaches”, Kennedy’s “Ask not what your country can do for you” and “We choose to go to the moon” speeches as speeches that brought dramatic change to our world. Dr. King’s “I have a dream” speech has become a part of our country’s vocabulary.

Maybe Monday will bring a memorable speech. We can hope that words can be spoken to improve our country and our world. Mr. Obama brings hope for many in a way similar to Dr. King. It would be of amazing benefit if he could find words of healing and of progress. Here is an opportunity, at least, to compare these two  men who have changed our world.

King Obama Venn

King Obama Venn

I haven’t shared a Word of the Day card since December. Here is a new one for inauguration.

Word of the Day inauguration

Word of the Day inauguration

And here is the Word of the Day card from my National Holidays set for Dr. King’s birthday.

Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Day

This is a companion card that explains the words “civil rights”.

Word of the Day Civil Rights

Word of the Day Civil Rights

You can see all of the holiday cards and important definitions cards here.


I will be listening Monday!


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